If you forgot or wish to modify your email account password, you can easily change the password of any of your email accounts in your hosting account via the Intertune control panel. Here are the steps you will need to follow: 

Step 1:  Login to your Intertune Control Panel, go to the 'Web Hosting' services and click on 'List Domains'. Choose the domain name you wish to access and select the 'Emails' tab.

Step 2: Click List Emails.

Step 3: Click the gear icon that corresponds to the email account that you want to reset the password for.

Step 4: You will see a new window with two fields ("Password" and "Confirm Password") for updating the new password.   


Step 5: Complete the two on-screen fields, and then click Update. You will see a success message "Password has been updated."

Note: If you see an error message "Your password needs to be stronger. Consider mixing letters, numbers and special characters while not using any words", while updating the password, please choose a stronger password using 8 characters or more. It can be any combination of letters, numbers, and symbols.