If you are unable to access your email please try the following:

Change your incoming and outgoing email server to: mail.<yourdomain.com>

For example if your domain is acme.com then change your incoming and outgoing email server in your email client to: mail.acme.com

If the above does not work please follow the instructions below:

* For domain names that begin with the letter "A" to the letter "L" you may use the following incoming and outgoing mail server in your email clients: server1.intertune.com 

Or you may access webmail at https://server1.intertune.com/webmail

* For domain names that begin with the letter "M" to the letter "Z" you may use the following incoming and outgoing mail server in your email clients: server3.intertune.com

Or you may access webmail at https://server2.intertune.com/webmail